In France, dental hygiene is still very often considered a chore. And yet, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to maintaining good health in general. Discover the six golden rules to follow to maintain top dental hygiene and keep a beautiful smile for as long as possible!
1. Brush your teeth for 2 minutes, 2 times a day.
Two minutes is the average brushing time recommended by the UFSBD to maintain a healthy mouth and teeth. The French only brush their teeth on average for 43 seconds, that's almost three times less than the official recommendation! In order to help achieve those famous two minutes, some electric toothbrushes have a built-in timer, which makes it possible to extend the brushing time.
2. Use a soft bristle brush head.
For brushing to be effective and pleasant, it is important to choose the right type of bristles for your toothbrush. Soft-bristled brush heads are recommended to avoid over-aggressive brushing that could damage tooth enamel and cause bleeding gums. And contrary to some popular belief, the soft bristles do not wash the teeth less well, on the contrary they precisely make it possible to better clean the spaces between each tooth.
3. Change brush heads regularly.
When was the last time you changed your toothbrush? If you don't know the answer to this question, you've come to the right place! Dentists recommend changing the brush head every 2-3 months, not only because of bristle wear but also because of bacteria growth. With the variations subscription, never forget to change your brush head or manual toothbrush again!
4. Visit your dentist regularly.
More than 1 in 2 French people admit to being afraid to go to the dentist. This phenomenon is called stomatophobia . In order to maintain good dental hygiene, it is necessary to visit your dentist regularly, 1 to 2 visits per year are enough for most people. These visits are an opportunity to detect cavities and gum disease in order to avoid complications and other more serious dental problems later on, which can be costly and painful. In case of emergency, you can also find the nearest duty dentist to you on https://dentiste.fr/
5. Use dental floss and interdental brushes.

Most French people never use dental floss or interdental brushes. These two accessories eliminate food residue stuck between your teeth and thus reduce dental plaque. They also help protect against gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums.
6. Promote a balanced diet.
Eating well is essential for good health, and also affects oral health. An unbalanced diet that is too high in sugars can promote the development of plaque bacteria and produce acids that attack tooth enamel. So, to preserve your dental hygiene, try to watch what you eat and not overindulge in sweets (even if it's tempting!).