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BFMTV -01/11/2023
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20 Minutes -29/03/2024
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20 Minutes -29/03/2024

My Variations : Pourquoi cette brosse a dents électrique casse-t-elle la baraque ?

SANTÉ• « 20 Minutes » a testé la brosse à dents électrique My Variations, qui fait le buzz depuis son lancement

Trois ans après le lancement de leur société et de leur brosse à dents My Variations, ils auraient conquis plus de 200.000 clients et talonneraient les leaders de la brosse à dents électrique en France (Oral B et Philips Sonicare). Pour tenter de comprendre les raisons d’un tel succès, 20 Minutes a testé My Variations...

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M6 -04/22/2022
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Femme Actuelle -16/01/2024

On a testé MyVariations. Que vaut la brosse à dents électrique dont tout le monde parle ?

Pensée pour favoriser une meilleure hygiène bucco-dentaire, la brosse à dents électrique MyVariations est à la fois design et accessible. Un modèle à technologie sonique, idéal pour découvrir les bienfaits du brossage électrique, mais est-ce suffisant pour venir à bout de la plaque dentaire ? Voici notre avis après plusieurs semaines de test...

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Ouest France -07/08/2024

Un nettoyage en douceur au cœur de l’attention : Mon expérience avec la brosse à dents sonique MyVariations

En résumé, la brosse à dents électrique sonique MyVariations offreune expérience de brossage de qualité à un prix abordable. Elle combine efficacité, confort d’utilisation et autonomie impressionnante, en faisant un choix judicieux pour ceux qui cherchent à améliorer leur routine d’hygiène dentaire sans se ruiner...

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LE Point -12/07/2024

Avec sa brosse à dents électrique, My Variations révolutionne les soins dentaires

My variations est depuis 2020 la réfèrence de brosse à dents électriques aussi efficace qu’écologique. Équipées de la technologie sonique, les brosses à dents électriques My Variations assurent un nettoyage en profondeur et en douceur grâce à leurs 40 000 vibrations par minute. ...

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Top Health -04/22/2022

Put to the Test: the Sonic Toothbrush

Our first thought is how obviously pretty the toothbrush is. Clean design, right down to the packaging, makes it a beautiful thing. We quickly noticed (and appreciated even more quickly) that there is no charging base. Bases always end up dirty and need to be cleaned more and more often over time ...

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Europe 1 -02/02/2022
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Raw - 02/11/2022
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Tech Advisor -02/21/2022

Test: the MyVariations Electric Toothbrush

For less than €60, you get a no-frills electric toothbrush without sacrificing efficiency. We all agree on its sleek style and brushing capabilities. It is perfect for any user who doesn't want ...

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C8 - 02/11/2022
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BFMTV -03/14/2023
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West France -04/03/2023

The 8 Best Electric Toothbrushes in 2023

More and more French people are switching to electric toothbrushes. In fact, according to the latest studies, around 20% have made the switch whereas, ten years ago, this figure was barely 10%. If you too would like to ...

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Alternative Health -02/01/2022

Dental Hygiene: A Clever Subscription to Change Your Mind

The icing on the cake for customers who subscribe is a lifetime warranty on their toothbrush. These prices, well below those of the competition, are secured through direct sales to the consumer, without a middleman ...

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Undertake -05/27/2021

MyVariations, the Thiebaut Brothers’ Start-Up, Invents the Toothbrush of the Future

To realise their project, the co-founders surrounded themselves with dentists and over 500 ordinary customers to test a toothbrush that perfectly meets expectations and the actual needs of users. The design of the brush is also ...

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Alternative Health -02/01/2022

Variations Sonic Toothbrush

If you are looking for a sonic toothbrush with several brushing modes, a timer, and long-lasting battery life without breaking the bank, MyVariations is undoubtedly the brush for you!

Low-key and simple, but both functional and high-quality, we like ...

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Digital -04/04/2021

MyVariations Launches an Electric Toothbrush and Delivers Brush Heads to Your Home

The young French company MyVariations has developed an electric toothbrush with sonic technology of the same name. This model stands out from the competition with a subscription system ...

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Opinion -11/30/2021

Is the Bathroom the New Boudoir?

According to an Opinionway survey for Geberit, European leader in sanitary and bathroom equipment, 38%* of 18-34 year olds had the impression of spending more time than necessary in their bathroom during the pandemic, from whence came the feeling of being purified as if fresh from the spa which would ...

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I like startups -15/12/2021

The Start-Up MyVariations Has Designed a Sonic Toothbrush Paired With a Subscription For Brush Heads

Our customers need simplicity and trust. They come to find quality products, to avoid having problems later on, and to simplify their daily lives ...

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