Have you noticed that your gums are bleeding ? Are you wondering if this is a serious health problem or not? Often overlooked, this bleeding says a lot about the condition of your gums and even your overall health. If you are wondering if your gums are healthy and if you should make a quick appointment with your dentist, this article is for you! You'll find out what bleeding really means and how to tell if your gums are healthy or not. We will also give you tips for taking care of your gums on a daily basis!
Causes of bleeding gums
Bleeding gums can manifest in several ways, depending on their nature and frequency. There are two types of gingival bleeding.
Acute gingival bleeding
This bleeding gums most often occurs suddenly. It may be associated with factors such as traumatic injury , recent surgery in your mouth, or acute gingivitis . These gum problems can be recognized by their abundant and sometimes painful bleeding. They sometimes require the immediate attention of your dentist, in order to prevent any worsening of your gum problems.
Recurrent or chronic gingival bleeding
Recurrent gingival bleeding occurs repeatedly over a prolonged period of time. It is often associated with chronic problems such as chronic gingivitis or periodontitis . These recurring problems indicate underlying health problems requiring evaluation by your dentist and appropriate dental treatment . Thanks to this, you will not only obtain real protection for your teeth and gums but you will also take care of your overall health.
The factors underlying these problems
Bleeding in your mouth can be a symptom of several factors that require special attention. Here are those to watch out for to preserve your health:
- Gingivitis:
It is often caused by poor oral hygiene. The buildup of plaque along the gum line sometimes leads to irritation and inflammation.
- Periodontitis:
Have you not treated your gingivitis? There is a risk that it will develop into periodontitis. This is a more severe infection of the tissues that support your teeth.
- Mouth ulcer or canker sore:
They often cause painful lesions in the mouth, including on the gums. Bleeding gums are irritated or damaged.
- Diabetes :
People with diabetes are more likely to develop oral health problems.
- Hemophilia:
People with hemophilia may experience excessive bleeding due to their inability to form blood clots effectively.
- Vitamin deficiency:
A vitamin deficiency, particularly vitamins C and K, weakens the gums and makes them more prone to health problems.
- Anticoagulant medications:
Some blood thinning medications increase the risk of bleeding gums because they inhibit the ability of blood to clot.
- The pregnancy :
The hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy sometimes make the gums more sensitive and therefore prone to bleeding.
- Poorly fitted dentures:
Poorly fitted dentures can lead to bleeding gums. To preserve the health of your gums and avoid occasional bleeding, see your dentist.
- Using dental floss or brushing too hard
When the brushing or flossing technique is too aggressive, you can end up with bleeding gums. To avoid bleeding gums , brush gently and use toothpaste dedicated to protecting your gums.
With this inventory of the underlying factors of bleeding gums, you can avoid gum problems and have better oral hygiene.
How to stop bleeding gums?
Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes. Use a toothpaste that is effective against plaque (Parodontax, for example). It's because of her that you're seeing this bleeding from your gums!
Choose brushes with a small head and soft, round bristles .
Remove dental plaque using dental floss or interdental brushes .
Use a mouthwash that works to protect the gums.
Visit your dentist more often. It will be able to detect any outbreak of illness and offer your mouth real protection.
React to bleeding gums
Do you notice occasional bleeding in your mouth? Act quickly to reduce your discomfort and prevent your gum problems from getting worse.
Start by applying light pressure to the bleeding area. Hold the pressure for a few minutes until the bleeding decreases or stops.
Then rinse your mouth with water or a special mouthwash.
Avoid touching or rubbing bleeding gums to avoid making the irritation worse.
Treatment of bleeding gums
If you have mouth ulcers or canker sores , your dentist will likely recommend topical gels. These help protect the tissues and soothe the pain of bleeding gums. Find out which toothpaste to use.
If your bleeding is due to one of the reasons mentioned above, you should either adequately manage your diabetes, your hemophilia, your vitamin deficiency, etc., or adjust the prostheses to eliminate irritation and reduce bleeding.
Then maintain good oral hygiene and consult your dentist regularly to ensure effective follow-up. It will help you fight against dental plaque.
Prevention and preventive measures
Have you noticed that your gums are bleeding? Are you wondering if this is a serious health problem or not? Often overlooked, this bleeding says a lot about the condition of your gums and even your overall health. If you are wondering if your gums are healthy and if you should make a quick appointment with your dentist, this article is for you! You'll find out what bleeding really means and how to tell if your gums are healthy or not. We will also give you tips for taking care of your gums on a daily basis!
Brush your teeth regularly
Dentists recommend two to three 2-minute brushings per day, after each meal.
Use a sonic technology toothbrush 💡
Sonic technology toothbrushes reduce bleeding and keep gums healthy. The sonic vibrations reduce the risk of making a wrong movement and damaging gum tissue, while removing more plaque compared to a manual brush .
Use soft bristles for your toothbrush
Brushes with hard bristles are often too harsh on the gums and do not clean teeth any better. On the contrary, brushes with soft bristles make it possible to better clean the small interdental spaces and therefore reduce the formation of dental plaque.
Floss daily 🦷
It is often said that brushing is only 50% of the work.
Indeed, the bristles of your brush are not always capable of completely eliminating the waste that remains between your teeth. It is therefore important to use dental floss or interdental brushes at least once a day.
Learn about the correct way to use interdental brushes .
Use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums 🦷
Some toothpastes contain active ingredients that strengthen the gums, which significantly reduces bleeding and pain in the gums and strengthens the gum tissue .
Consult your dentist
Even with perfect dental hygiene, we advise you to visit your dentist at least once a year. He will be able to detect any problem well in advance and advise you on the best habits to adopt to protect the health of your gums!