1. What are the symptoms of severe gum sensitivity?
2. What causes such gum sensitivity?
3. What protection and treatments for sensitive gums?
4. Summary: signals, origin and treatment of sensitive gums...
Tingling sensations, tendency to bleed when you brush your teeth, pain, gingivitis, swelling, inflammation... These symptoms are all problems and signs that indicate that you have sensitive gums , and it's time to talk about it to your dentist! 🤕
This increased gingival sensitivity poses a problem for nearly 20% of people, and influences different aspects of the lives of those affected such as the choice of the right toothpaste, diet and of course the proper elimination of bacterial plaque during your dental routine. ' oral hygiene. 👄
To help you prevent and relieve the discomfort caused by your sensitive gums and possible gingivitis, maintain a healthy mouth without bacteria, good dental health and consult your dental surgeon a little less often, MyVariations gives you some advice...
What are the symptoms of severe gum sensitivity?
A drink that is too hot or too cold and your teeth hurt , a food that is a little too hard and you feel gum and tooth pain ? Do you start to bleed when brushing your teeth? Do you know the word gingivitis too well? No more doubts, you have sensitive gums! 🤒
Put to the test on a daily basis, the gums, especially when they are very sensitive, require as much attention and care as your teeth or the rest of your mouth.
As an integral part of the periodontium (and no, it's not a dinosaur 🦕), which refers to all the tissues supporting the teeth, the gums perform a major function. In fact, these cover and surround the teeth with a band of soft tissue to ensure their protection (a bit like bubble wrap 🧖♂️). The gum is generally divided into 3 distinct parts: that which is around the tooth, that which is attached to the bone and that which is located between the teeth (in the interdental spaces).
Thus, over meals, poorly or poorly adapted teeth cleanings, iced glasses of soda, the gum is abused daily... As a result, you can, without knowing it, inflict real damage, sometimes irreversible, and make your mouth and gums sore. 😱
Sensitive or more fragile gums can have several observable characteristics such as:
- Red, purplish or even black gums, a gingival abscess in the most serious cases and swelling (inflammation) 🎈
- Pain and a very strong reaction to hot and cold ❄️
- Retraction of the gums and the beginning of tooth loss 🦷
- Bleeding gums when you brush your teeth 🩸
- A tingling sensation ⚔️
- Bad breath 😷
If you observe one or more of these signals, it is imperative to make an appointment with your dental surgeon so that he can give you all the keys to relieving the pain and finding the treatment adapted to your gum sensitivity. Especially since, when they are not treated quickly enough or in the right way, damaged and painful sensitive gums can give rise to other problems (even less funny 😥) such as symptoms of gingivitis , significant inflammation, and give rise to periodontitis (gum disease).
So it is very important to know how to strengthen your gums to keep your normal gums healthy. .
Be careful, red gums can also be a sign of the appearance of pimples on the gums , which should not be taken lightly. Keep your eyes peeled and if these pimples appear, make an appointment with the dentist!
What causes such gum sensitivity?
This very common problem (it is one of the main reasons for dental consultation) can have several sources and various cumulative catalysts. Here are the three most common reasons for very irritable gums.
Firstly, inadequate oral hygiene is the main aggravating factor for sensitive gums. Indeed, brushing your teeth too aggressively and inappropriately, with a hard-bristled brush or too strong toothpaste for example, can cause inflammation and bleeding, or even other gum diseases such as chronic periodontitis. 🪥
If you want to know more, the article on periodontal diseases from the UFSBD (Union Française pour la Santé Bucco Dentaire) summarizes everything you need to know. 😉
Then, people wearing one or more dental appliances (braces, prostheses, etc.) may observe a more or less significant increase in their gum sensitivity. Although they help correct dental problems, particularly orthodontic ones, they can sometimes cause injuries in the mouth and inflammation of the gums when they are poorly adjusted. 💥 If this is the case, don't hesitate to talk to your dentist who will readjust the dental appliance and prescribe pain treatment if necessary.
Finally, as you know, smoking is very harmful and dangerous for your health. 🚬 Cigarettes can not only seriously damage your lungs and heart system due to all the toxic products they contain, but they can also cause a whole host of dental and gum problems , including inflammation and micro-lesions. Smoking is also responsible for more abundant dental plaque, and the accelerated formation of tartar or stains on tooth enamel .
Tartar can only be removed through professional descaling. We remind you that descaling at home is a very bad idea and strongly discouraged! It is imperative to go to the dentist.
For this reason, it is strongly recommended to take great care to keep gums healthy by stopping smoking or limiting tobacco as much as possible. (Never starting is okay too! 😉)
What protection and treatments for sensitive gums?
The first rule to apply to take care of your sensitive gums is also the most obvious and simplest; brush your teeth correctly two to three times a day effectively, with the correct brushing method and using suitable products that will not attack sensitive gums, a soft-bristled toothbrush and a toothpaste adapted to the specific needs of your gums! ☝️ (Even if we would like to point out that the use of a protective toothpaste does not replace real treatment prescribed by a dentist).
To do this, most dental surgeons recommend the use of an electric toothbrush . MyVariations toothbrushes are completely suitable for people with high dental or gum reactivity thanks to their flexible soft nylon bristles and 5 possible cleaning intensities, to allow everyone to choose their favorite mode according to their sensitivity. gums to avoid discomfort! 🤗
In addition, the sonic technology they use (vertical micro-movements of the bristles which reproduce the back and forth movements of manual brushing) is more delicate towards the gums and enamel than oscillo-rotating technology ( The most common). It is also very effective in eliminating dental plaque and limiting the development of tartar . 🥰
To complete your care routine, you should use regularly (but not too frequently either) a mouthwash specially formulated for sensitive gums or a protective mouthwash. Also turn to a toothpaste for protection (like Elmex Sensitive Professional for example). Remember to ask your dentist for advice on choosing the right toothpaste and taking care of your mouth and gums (and knowing any products to avoid).
You can also complete brushing by using dental floss adapted to the condition of your gums in order to eliminate the last residues of plaque, or interdental brushes.
Learn about the correct way to use interdental brushes beforehand.
Secondly, external factors can also stimulate and irritate sensitive gums. Therefore, we will try to avoid as much as possible sudden changes in temperature (foods too cold or too hot ☕️), foods that are too hard or sharp which could cause pain by creating micro-lesions (candy, hard bread, chewable fruits... 🥖), highly carbonated drinks as well as overly spicy dishes 🌶.
Summary: signals, origin and treatment of sensitive gums...
Anyone can be affected by this very common problem, as well as the pain, tingling and swelling , inflammation and the risk of gingivitis that they cause, although there are several aggravating factors , namely;
- Unsuitable oral hygiene (bristles too hard, brushing too aggressive, pressure too strong, inadequate toothpaste and mouthwash, etc.) which can weaken the gums and cause lesions and pain, or even more serious gum problems such as periodontitis. . 🩹
- Wearing dental appliances (braces, crowns, dentures, etc.) which, when poorly adjusted, can cause inflammation and gum injury, and lead to swelling. 🔪
- Smoking , irritating to the gums and mouth in general, in addition to being extremely harmful to overall health. ☠️
In order to relieve pain and provide protection , it is then appropriate;
- To adopt an oral care routine specific to your situation and your feelings (soft bristle brush or electric toothbrush with sonic technology , daily and thorough tooth brushing, toothpaste and mouthwash specially designed for the protection of sensitive or weakened gums 🧴) in order to avoid attacking them and to reduce bleeding problems and possible discomfort.
- To make slight changes to your diet (avoid dishes that are too hot, too cold, too spicy, very hard or “sharp” foods) which could stimulate gingival discomfort or create lesions leading to pain or even disease ( periodontitis , gingivitis ). 🧨
Nevertheless, it remains essential to consult your dental surgeon when one or more of the symptoms of sensitive gums appear, in order to obtain informed medical advice and provide the necessary treatments adapted to your needs, and you allow you to take care of your gums! 💊