5. Interventions at your dentist
When teeth lose their whiteness , the beauty of your smile suffers. We see its dulled shine and we feel embarrassed to display it in public. The whiteness of the tooth then becomes a complex factor. 🤭
To resolve this situation and have white teeth , there are many solutions. The first remains the adoption of impeccable oral hygiene. Furthermore, there are medical treatments and home recipes to restore whiteness to teeth. Find out how to have white teeth. 😁
Impeccable oral hygiene
Impeccable oral hygiene is broken down into different actions.
Brushing frequency
To properly maintain your mouth and teeth, you must first brush your teeth well and regularly. Brush at least twice a day, every morning when you get up and every evening before going to bed. The ideal would be to brush your teeth properly after each meal using a brush and a well-chosen toothpaste , adapted to your teeth. 👍
Brushing does not always succeed in removing debris stuck between the gaps . For this, it is advisable to complete this action with dental floss or interdental brushes , whichever suits you best. To be sure to be rid of all bacteria and keep your breath fresh (learn about the correct way to use interdental brushes beforehand), it is also recommended to use a mouthwash at the end of each brushing. 🧪
Good actions to take
To keep your teeth in perfect health, avoid alcohol and tobacco as much as possible. Exclude from your diet meals and drinks whose consumption causes tooth discoloration . This is particularly the case for coffee , tea , red wine , soda , etc. 🍷 Ice as well as fresh or frozen foods also harm your teeth, especially if your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold.
Smoking is also responsible for yellow teeth, black teeth and other unsightly appearances. 🚬 If it's difficult for you to give up cigarettes, brush your teeth afterwards or at least rinse your mouth. Although the ideal is to avoid tobacco completely, obviously. In fact, it not only harms your teeth, but also your overall health! ☝️
Unsuitable toothpaste can also yellow a tooth. This is why you must seek advice from a dentist in order to choose the right toothpaste. 🩺
A good toothbrush
When wanting to buy a brush, we find ourselves confronted with a plethora of references. In such circumstances, a novice finds it difficult to make a suitable choice of toothbrush . 🪥
Indeed, not all brushes are equal . In addition, some models provide better efficiency than others. To choose your reference, it is necessary to take certain criteria into consideration.
Electric or manual?
In the toothbrush market, you have to choose between manual and electric models . In terms of effectiveness, all dentists agree that electric brushes, with their many benefits , outperform manual ones. Capable of performing more than 31,000 vertical brushing movements per minute, the former remove more than 2.5 to 5 times more plaques than the latter . 😉
To help you respect the brushing time recommended by dentists, certain electric brushes like those from MyVariations are equipped with a timer. This feature helps you ensure that your brushing lasts long enough to provide optimal cleanliness and cleaning. ⏱
Soft hairs, hard hairs?
The hardness of the bristles is a determining criterion when choosing a brush. We thus find models with soft bristles and those with hard bristles. Oral medicine professionals advise favoring the former over the latter. In fact, brushes with medium or hard bristles are capable of causing abrasion of dental enamel and retraction at the gums, in addition to not cleaning better than soft bristles.
In addition to their low aggressiveness, soft bristles are more easily able to infiltrate below the gums and between the teeth . Furthermore, this type of brush adapts without difficulty to the rounded shape of each tooth. 🦷
So choose your brush hairs wisely !
Sonic or rotating?
Both sonic and rotating toothbrushes are electric. However, they work differently. As its name suggests, a rotary works by making a circular motion with a round-shaped head. 🌀
As for sonic models, they imitate the movement of manual brushing. Vibrations are transmitted to the bristles which move back and forth vertically at a rate of 31,000 to 40,000 movements per minute depending on the model.
Each reference has its advantages and disadvantages. However, the performance difference is not huge. Both techniques remove dental plaque about as much as the other. The real difference is in the gentleness of the brushing. Indeed, a brush can be effective, but it must respect your gums by avoiding bleeding , and must not damage your enamel. 👄
MyVariations is a young French brand specializing in the sale of sonic electric toothbrushes and dental care accessories. It was founded by Martin and Alexis, two brothers who made it their mission to simplify everyone's oral routine . 😊
Indeed, faced with the multitude of brands, models and features on the market, it is difficult to find your way around. Sometimes, you have to browse several points of sale before finding a brush that suits your teeth and your budget. To save you all this trouble, MyVariations has created its products with the support and participation of experienced dentists and manufacturers .
Today, MyVariations offers attractive electric toothbrushes, with soft bristles, particularly effective and equipped with an integrated 2-minute timer . In addition, their battery lasts a full month with 2 brushings of 2 minutes per day! 😁
Other tools
There are different solutions to remedy yellowing of the teeth. These range from whitening toothpastes and whitening kits to homemade recipes and plaque revealer.
Whitening toothpastes
A whitening or whitening toothpaste is formulated with active ingredients intended to restore shine to teeth. Among the components used to make this product, hydrogen peroxide (also known as hydrogen peroxide ) is predominant . Present in its raw form, it is found particularly among dentists. They use it to destroy bacteria infesting the gums and present on the surface of the teeth, which could create yellow teeth, gray teeth , brown spots or even black lines on the teeth . 😷
Whitening toothpastes also contain substances such as:
- Phthalimidoperoxycaproic acid;
- Vegetable coal ;
- Silica
The combination of these elements allows whitening in a natural and progressive way.
Simple brushing is not enough to keep teeth healthy. The brush and toothpaste only remove 50% of plaque . For an impeccable result, it is necessary to use specific tools: dental floss and interdental brushes. 🙃
Mouthwash, how to choose the right one?
Brushing well is not enough to have white teeth . It is essential to combine it with complementary treatments, among which a well-chosen mouthwash figures prominently. The latter refers to the operation consisting of bathing the teeth and oral mucous membranes in an antiseptic, healing or teeth-protecting solution.
The choice of the appropriate formula depends on the expected result. Antiseptics prevent the proliferation of bacteria and allow mouthwash to combat bad breath (halitosis). A healing mouthwash will make it easier for mouth sores to heal . And protective solutions protect tooth enamel against cavities . 🙌
The dental plaque detector
Dental plaque refers to food residue that accumulates on the teeth at the end of each meal. It is a common problem, which in the absence of adequate oral hygiene , can lead to gingivitis or periodontitis (which can turn into severe periodontitis that must be treated immediately) or cavities.
However, it is possible to reduce the risks of this disease by knowing the foods to avoid to prevent periodontitis.
Plaque detectors reveal parts of the teeth that have not been cleaned yet. In fact, they contain a substance that dyes the plaque residue left on the teeth. From then on, you can concentrate a little more on these parts during your next brushing. 😊
Whitening kits
As their name suggests, whitening kits refer to a set of equipment allowing you to have white teeth. To do this, you do not need to go to a dentist. Anyone can use the equipment once they follow the instructions. 🙏
In reality, the kits improve your teeth through the action of a whitening gel. Applied to the teeth, it lightens the coloring of the enamel and dentin . It is made from hydrogen peroxide , also known as hydrogen peroxide. However, its concentration in the kits is lower than in the solutions used by dentists. This precaution is intended to protect the health of the enamel and dentin. 🦷
Grandmothers' remedies
It is possible to whiten your teeth without necessarily using pharmaceutical products. Indeed, certain natural solutions have proven their effectiveness in improving the whiteness of the teeth.
Vegetable coal
Also referred to as “activated carbon” or “activated carbon”, vegetable charcoal refers to a black powder obtained by the carbonization of organic plant materials .
Remarkable because of its absorbent power, it easily retains toxins and impurities. 🍃
Baking soda
In addition to its natural character, baking soda has alkaline properties. It neutralizes the acids resulting from the breakdown of food debris that remains stuck between the teeth after a meal. These are responsible for bad breath. They can destroy enamel.
It is often combined with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, to be used like toothpaste twice a month maximum.
Tea tree oil, coconut oil
Renowned for its antibacterial powers, tea tree essential oil is an excellent mouth care product. It contributes to the elimination of dental plaque , the main cause of yellow teeth . In addition, it fights bad breath.
Coconut oil has a multitude of benefits. The least known are those related to dental care. Indeed, coconut oil has cleansing and whitening powers . Its lauric acid content allows it to limit the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth . It improves the pH of the mouth.
Coconut oil is an excellent solution for whitening enamel without risking damage. Furthermore, it helps prevent the accumulation of dental plaque and tartar, to eliminate . 😊
Oxygenated water
Tooth whitening with hydrogen peroxide is subject to certain precautions. Firstly, you should read the instructions carefully in order to respect the doses, the time of use and the number of applications necessary. 😙
Interventions at your dentist
If traditional methods of oral care remain unsuccessful, it is best not to insist too much or you risk damaging your teeth . The ideal is to contact a dentist. As a professional in the field, he will find the appropriate solution likely to resolve your problem.
Tooth whitening is a painless process that uses oxygen peroxide to restore shine to teeth. Certainly, the product necessary for this treatment is found on the market and allows you to carry out the operation yourself. However, the ideal is to let a dentist take care of it. Trained in dental care, he will know how to use the appropriate technique to achieve the level of whiteness suited to your teeth. 😃
For approximately 1 hour, tooth whitening allows the enamel and dentin to achieve 8 shades of lightening. Before resorting to this treatment, the surgeon will give you an oral and dental test . This is intended to check for the presence of decay and to ensure that the whitening is suitable for your teeth. In fact, this solution does not always solve the problem of tooth discoloration. It is particularly not recommended for people whose teeth are damaged or have black grooves , stains, etc. 😬
Dental veneers
Dental veneers refer to thin ceramic films that are placed on the visible side of the teeth. The goal is to hide their coloring and make them appear more aesthetic.
Today, dental veneers are very popular. Many people prefer this solution instead of resorting to treatments which risk weakening certain teeth. This is the case, for example, for a large number of celebrities. This is the least restrictive solution for displaying perfect teeth and not feeling self-conscious about your smile. 🤗
On the market, dental veneers are found in many shades of white, from the most natural to the whitest of whites. The shape and positioning of the teeth are just as diverse. In addition to offering a dazzling smile, veneers also help correct the alignment of the teeth . They effectively remedy dental overlap problems.
Ceramic films provide harmonious teeth. 👌 They optimize the height of the teeth. This way, they no longer appear too short or too long. Those that are too pointy also have their shape improved.
If many people prefer dental veneers, it is because they retain their original coloring. This remains intact despite the influence of time. But if you prefer to keep your natural teeth while making them whiter, now you know how to do it! 😛