1. How are bacteria created in the mouth?
2. How many bacteria are there in the mouth?
3. What are the different types of bacteria?
4. What problems can they cause dentally?
5. How to have good oral hygiene to limit bacteria?
Bacteria have been present in the mouth since birth. Over time, our microbiota grows and undergoes modifications according to our habits. Diet, vices, and oral hygiene define the type of bacteria that make up your microbiota. 👄
Good bacteria coexist in the body without impacting your health. On the other hand, bad ones can be a source of dental diseases. How many bacteria are there in the mouth? What problems can they cause dentally? MyVariations gives you the answers.
How are bacteria created in the mouth?
In humans, the oral microbiota is created from birth and develops throughout their existence. Bacteria are present in our oral cavity from the moment of childbirth. It is thanks to the bacteria located at the cervix and those in the air that the microbiota of the newborn's mouth is formed. 🤰
As we grow, we acquire habits that impact the number and type of bacteria in our oral cavity. Kissing, biting your nails, yawning... are behaviors that change the composition of the oral microbiota. 💋
In 2014, a study published in the journal Microbiome revealed that a couple kissing passionately triggers the transfer of more than 80 million bacteria. People in a relationship could therefore have an oral microbiota that looks similar.
Note, however, that the bacterial ecosystems of two people can be similar without being identical . Indeed, each individual has a unique oral flora. This is justified by the fact that in addition to environmental factors, genetics also impacts the microbiota.
Some research shows that bacteria in the mouth, especially those below the gums, leave a fingerprint in the oral cavity. This would make it possible to successfully identify the ethnic origins of individuals. 🧐
How many bacteria are there in the mouth?
Apart from the intestinal flora, the ecosystem with the greatest complexity in the body is found in the mouth. This contains more than 600 species of microorganisms . 🦠
These include viruses, yeasts, bacteria and protozoa. Depending on the person and environmental factors, these species can vary.
Inside the human oral cavity, there are nearly 10 billion bacteria . The mouth therefore contains more micro-organisms than the earth has humans. 🌍
In one milliliter of saliva, there are up to 750 million bacteria . The number of these bacteria in 1 mg of dental plaque is estimated at 100 million.
Among the microorganisms inhabiting the oral cavity, there are some that are good and do not damage your oral health. They even provide the body with some protection. ⛑
What are the different types of bacteria?
The oral microbiota includes well-diversified microorganisms. It partly contains bacteria common to other microbiota in the body.
The fungus Candida albicans present in the oral microbiota is found for example in the vaginal and intestinal microbiota. The same is true of Helicobacter pylori which is also found in the stomach. ☝️
The other part of the bacteria is particular to the oral cavity. It includes on the one hand aerobic bacteria which are found in the mouth because of the air breathed. To ensure their survival and multiplication, they need oxygen.
On the other hand, you find anaerobic bacteria in the mouth. The presence of oxygen is not important for the survival and development of the latter. They are installed in areas with difficult access. This makes their elimination from the oral cavity complex. These micro-organisms develop mainly at night, when we sleep. 💤
Streptococcus is also found in our mouth. This is the type of bacteria found in a healthy mouth. It is the mutant version of this genus which is responsible for dental plaque and therefore tartar to be eliminated. In a healthy oral cavity, you also find Fusobacterium as well as Actinomyces . 🧬
A balanced diet and impeccable oral hygiene are what keep all these types of bacteria under control. As long as their development is controlled and the body's immune system is strong, these bacteria are not to be feared.
What problems can they cause dentally?
Oral health mainly depends on the balance of the oral microbiota. When this bacterial ecosystem is out of balance ( dysbiosis ), pathogenic bacteria develop massively and colonize the oral cavity. Which increases the risk of dental infections. 🥴
Dental caries
When the balance of the oral microbiota is disrupted, bacteria multiply and form a layer of biofilm on the gums and teeth. Upon contact with sugar, these pathogenic microorganisms secrete acids which attack dental enamel . 🦷
The result of damage inflicted on the enamel by acidic microorganisms is tooth decay which is one of the common oral infections. Streptococcus mutans are the bacteria responsible for cavities to be avoided .
Gingivitis and periodontitis
Both of these conditions are gum diseases. But it is worth recognizing gingivitis from periodontitis . Inside these, there is a benign bacterial flora which guarantees their health. When there is dysbiosis, pathogenic germs attack the gaps in the teeth.
These bacteria produce toxins to which the gums react by becoming inflamed and swelling . This inflammation called gingivitis sometimes causes bleeding from the gums when you brush. 🩸
This disease can progress by affecting the tissues supporting the tooth and its bone . In this case, periodontitis, then severe periodontitis develops. You then witness bone loss and the teeth become mobile. This is what we call dental loosening 🤭
However, it is possible to reduce the risks of this disease by knowing the foods to avoid to prevent periodontitis and keep your normal gums healthy.
Oral candidiasis or “white tongue”
This oral disease is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. This takes advantage of the imbalance in the oral microbiota to proliferate. In the mouth and on the gums, sensitive or not, a white plaque (sign of oral candidiasis , a particular mycosis) appears.
This is also the case for what we call the “ white tongue ” or saburral tongue.
This condition is most often found in people carrying HIV. Patients receiving chemotherapy or antibiotics also suffer from this disease. 😷
Mouth ulcers
Called aphthous ulcers by dentists, gingival ulcers or even pimples on the gum , these are lesions that appear on the gums. They are also observed on other tissues of the oral cavity.
Bad breath
Some pathogens are dedicated to breaking down foods containing fat or protein. Through this process, they produce sulfur compounds which make your fresh breath disappear and cause bad breath which is sometimes a symptom of gingivitis . 🤢
How to have good oral hygiene to limit bacteria?
Good oral hygiene requires a certain number of provisions to be followed on a daily basis.
Give up habits that multiply pathogens
For good oral health, you should avoid consuming anything and everything. Choose a balanced diet . Meals that are too high in sugar or too fatty should be avoided. Bad habits like smoking or nail biting should be abandoned . 🚬
Smoking, for example, is a habit that disrupts the oral flora . A study was also carried out on the subject by a professor at Ohio State University in Columbus. It reveals that in people who smoke, there are more pathogenic genes than good bacteria.
Brush your teeth
For good oral health, it is recommended to brush your teeth properly at least twice a day . Effective brushing must be done for the recommended time of 2 minutes with quality equipment. The majority of dentists recommend electric toothbrushes and their benefits . Among them, it is towards our MyVariations sonic electric toothbrushes that we direct you.
Gentle on gums and enamel while being very effective against dental plaque, these brushes will allow you to take optimal care of your mouth. 👌
Brushing with appropriate oral hygiene products helps eliminate leftover sugars . These are the ones that feed the bacteria and facilitate their growth.
Without food or a favorable environment, these microorganisms cannot proliferate. This way, they won't be able to release acids to damage your healthy gums and teeth. You will then be able to keep your normal gums healthy . 🍋
Change brush regularly
The toothbrush should be changed regularly , after use for a maximum of three months. By using it too much, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. By cleaning your oral cavity with a brush that is too old, you will obtain the opposite effect to that desired. 🪥
A new brush is much more effective at eliminating bacteria than a worn brush . If you find having to change your oral care equipment on a regular basis tiring, opt for MyVariations electric brushes. We also offer a subscription option allowing you to receive a new brush head at the frequency of your choice, without having to think about it! 😉