19 october 2022

Red gums: inflammation, gingivitis, what about?

1. Definition of red gums

2. What causes red gums?

3. What are the symptoms of gingivitis?

4. What could be the consequences?

5. How to treat gingivitis?

6. How to prevent gum inflammation?

Among the most alarming oral diseases (severe periodontitis, loosening, gum abscess , etc.), we also include gingivitis , which is a periodontal condition that must be taken seriously. Affecting approximately 50% of the adult population, it is an inflammation of the gums which results in red, irritated, and swollen gums. In some cases, there is bleeding from the gums upon contact with the toothbrush or solid meals. 🥴

To avoid periodontitis and consequently tooth loss, it is recommended to treat gingivitis as early as possible. But before thinking about treatments, it is essential to understand the causes as well as the symptoms of this disease. 🤔

In this article from the MyVariations team, discover essential information on the causes, symptoms and different treatment methods of gingivitis.

Definition of Red Gums

Red and swollen gums are the primary symptoms that can identify various pathologies such as pimples on the gums , but especially possible gingivitis. Gingivitis is in fact a disease that attacks the covering that protects the roots of the teeth: the gums. In other words, it is an inflammation under the effect of which the gums become red, irritated, swollen. 💥

Which stands out from their usual firm, pale pink look. Red gums tend to bleed easily while brushing or eating. Which is quite uncomfortable for the affected person. However, gingivitis remains the earliest stage of gum disease. Because it turns out to be easy to take care of. 🩸

When not treated in time, it can lead to a more serious condition called severe periodontitis . The latter, in turn, can progress to loosening of the teeth if no treatment is put in place. 😨

However, it is possible to reduce the risks of this disease by knowing the foods to avoid to prevent periodontitis.

It is therefore appropriate to take gingivitis seriously as soon as the first symptoms appear, and not to confuse gingivitis and periodontitis , because they are two diseases of different severity. What causes red gums?

Red gums or gingivitis is usually caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar that needs to be removed . Dental plaque is a whitish layer that forms on the surface of the teeth. The appearance of the latter is the consequence of a chemical reaction between the bacteria present in the mouth and the residue of food ingested during meals. 🦠

It is essentially made up of salivary proteins, food debris, bacteria and the toxins secreted by them.

The formation of plaque is linked to the maintenance of teeth, whether with a toothbrush, dental floss, or hydrojet, and therefore to oral hygiene in general.

Indeed, even if these methods ensure oral hygiene, it results in the appearance of new bacteria which form plaque on the teeth. However, this remains the most common cause of red gums. There are other parameters which can also explain gingivitis, a saburral tongue , a canker sore on the gum , oral candidiasis (or oral thrush) or white gum for example. ☝️

Severe illnesses

Serious pathologies that weaken the immune system can cause the development of gingivitis . As examples, we can cite cancers and diabetes. Likewise, a state of fatigue or repeated stress can also lead to pain and red gums. In addition, certain medications dry out the mouth, which increases the risk of proliferation of bacteria that causes plaque. Which is the common thread of gingivitis.

Poor dental hygiene

Poor oral hygiene will encourage the appearance of this white layer. And the direct consequence will be red gums. To remedy this, it is advisable to brush your teeth well , at least twice a day and to reinforce with the use of dental floss in order to clean the spaces between the teeth. 🪥

Hormonal changes

Hormonal variations in women during adolescence, pregnancy or menopause have a direct impact on the gum tissues which are known for their high sensitivity. 🤰 Which will promote the appearance of red gums.

Alcohol and tobacco

Excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful to oral health . In fact, this slows down the proliferation of good bacteria which take advantage of germs which cause the appearance of plaque. 🍷
In addition, the components of tobacco make it a plausible cause of gingivitis. Because the substances contained in cigarettes are strongly irritating to the gum tissue. 🚬

Finally, cannabis or its derivative products have the capacity to dry out the oral cavity and cause xerostomia ( dry mouth ). 🍁 Which prevents saliva from protecting the mouth against bacteria. And therefore, increases the risk of the appearance of inflammation or other diseases linked to the gums.

What are the symptoms of gingivitis?

The symptoms that allow you to recognize gingivitis are multiple. It is important to know them in order to implement treatment as quickly as possible.

Gum color

Gingivitis is essentially characterized by red and swollen gums . In some cases, they may turn purple. 🔮 Knowing that normal gums have a pale pink color, this is the first symptom of gingivitis .

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are not a normal phenomenon. And it is important to be alarmed at the first appearances. In general, the bleeding that characterizes red gums occurs when brushing your teeth. It can be caused by too high a brushing intensity which created an injury. If this becomes recurrent, you must quickly consult a dentist to receive treatment as soon as possible to hope to recover your healthy gums . 🥼


Very unpleasant and uncomfortable, halitosis can represent a sign of gingival damage. It is generally caused by bacteria that settle in the oral cavity. By sucking up some of the food consumed, these microbes grow and end up releasing a smelly gas. 😷

Loosening of teeth

When the teeth start to move, it is no longer a question of red gum but of periodontitis. This happens when the early stage of the disease is not taken care of. The loosening of teeth begins with a retraction of the gums, exposing the roots. This weakens the teeth and increases gum pain upon contact with a solid element or a certain temperature. 🌡

The visible length of the teeth increases, and the gum gradually detaches, leaving a remarkable gap. This will then be occupied by dental plaque which will continue to develop. At this stage, the gum completely deteriorates and is no longer able to regenerate. To avoid getting to this point, you need to take precautions as soon as primary symptoms appear. 🙅‍♂️

What could be the consequences?

In the absence of a treatment solution, red gums can lead to certain complications. The most common is the collection of pain linked to the presence of bacterial plaque. This results in an increase in damage linked to the periodontal ligament.

If the infection progresses, it may affect deeper tissues and develop into a more severe condition. If the person with gum disease has poor health, plaque-forming bacteria can migrate to the lungs. This will lead to serious lung infections. Likewise, several studies have revealed that gingivitis increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. ❤️‍🩹

Once established in the mouth, the germs causing reddish gums can migrate to any tissue, including the bloodstream. An accumulation in the blood will cause the destruction of the vascular walls and lead to a myocardial infarction in the worst case. People with gingivitis are also at risk of kidney failure. 🏥

By infiltrating the blood system, bacteria can easily reach the kidney tissues and cause inflammation. Finally, the destruction of the gums by periodontal germs can be associated with oral cancer. This risk is even higher among smokers.

How to treat gingivitis?

Gingivitis can be easily treated if diagnosed early enough. To do this, you just need to have rigorous dental hygiene and observe certain treatments to relieve and strengthen your gums and thus hope to keep your normal gums in good health. .

Effective brushing

The best way to treat periodontal disease is to take care of your teeth. You should brush at least twice a day, cleaning all sides of your teeth. Make sure you have a toothbrush with fine, soft bristles so as not to aggravate the bleeding. 🪥

Furrow maintenance

The interdental or gingival-dental grooves are the most inaccessible areas for the toothbrush. This is why they generally serve as a refuge for dental plaque. To clean these areas, it is recommended to use dental floss to remove food debris and gaps. 🧵


Scaling is an operation which aims to eliminate tartar and dental plaque accumulated in the oral cavity. 👄 This particularly effective solution regardless of the stage of gingivitis must be accompanied by certain secondary care. Among other things, regular use of toothpaste and a well-chosen mouthwash.

How to prevent gum inflammation?

To prevent gingivitis, you need to adopt healthy habits when it comes to brushing and making sure you brush your teeth properly . First of all, you should favor soft and fine toothbrushes in order to easily penetrate inaccessible areas.

If dentists recommend the use of electric brushes thanks to their benefits , the most appropriate will be a sonic electric toothbrush , because these models are much gentler on enamel and gums, while being very effective against dental plaque , which helps reduce bleeding and irritation. 🥳
These characteristics make this electric brush an ally against loosening shoes too!

Brush twice a day or after each meal with less intensity for at least two minutes. The toothbrush must be for personal use and renewed every month. If it is an electric brush, its head must be replaced every 3 months maximum. Make sure you use toothpaste appropriate for your situation. To summarize, the best method of preventing red gums is oral hygiene . 😉

Looking for the perfect toothbrush?

Say goodbye to bleeding gums and other gum problems thanks to MyVariations' 5 different brushing modes that adapt to your sensitivity! 🖐

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